Divide Up Your Boxed Cake Mix
I have a really quick and ingenious tip for boxed cake mix that will leave you wondering, "Duh, why didn't I think of that?" Basically, the tip includes dividing up the boxed cake mix into smaller portions - 3 or 4 cupcakes each - using either a scale or measuring cups and spoons.

The limitation to how you can divide the cake mix is usually set by the amount of eggs needed for the whole box. So, a typical boxed cake mix requires about 3 eggs, so therefore, I will divide up the boxed cake mix into 3 individual portions.

For most of us, we either shouldn't or can't finish 12 cupcakes. Unless it's for a party, most of us are satisfied with 1 or 2 cupcakes, so this method keeps you from having to waste any.