Chorizo Seitan Burger
I had the most amazing burger at this small vegan spot called Taco Party in Somerville, Massachusetts just a couple weeks ago. I don't even want to say "vegan burger" because that implies it is deficient in some way. The burger was meaty and savory on the inside and slightly crunchy on the outside. Paired with mayo, lettuce and tomatoes, this seitan torta was definitely something to be drooled over.
I don't know how much vegetable was ground up in the seitan burger, but my thoughts on being vegan or being on any kind of diet is that about half of what you eat at all times should be vegetable. When you deviate from that and mix in fried foods or over sugary foods, that's when it doesn't matter what kind of diet you're on.
So for my burger, I mixed in a ton of veggies like carrots and zucchini, which soften as they cook. I would say my burger is a little more chunky than Taco Party's, but if you want a softer textured burger, just puree the vegetables more.